Saturday, April 21, 2007

A place to call my own?

Dear friends,

We had a gathering today at Nick's house for the worship ministry. Wish I had pictures to show, but the phone battery was flat. It was alright. A little blander than expected because we discussed the same issues year in year out. The best time was the fellowship we had, playing heart attack and mahjong. haha. This is about the 3rd time we've used Nicholas' house for church events since he and audrey moved in.

Ah boy sent Grace Buy and I home. We went to the hawker centre to get some dinner, and she invited the sis and I to her beautifully renovated home. We shared some views abt our love for singing, which is very encouraging indeed.

The boy and I are looking forward to the idea of owning our own house in the future. The autonomy of owning your own piece of property is amazing. You can renovate it however you like, invite friends over for meals and movies, use it to bless others. The prospect is indeed thrilling. Not that living with our parents is without merit, it does have its benefits. But somehow owning property is a sign that one has truly achieved the "status" of adulthood.

Our ideal, is to have a few close friends (you know who you are) come on a regular basis to just hang out and fellowship. Young people usually have to resort to meeting at crowded places like town, or east coast to catch up, and so end up spending alot of money just finding things to do outside. Seldom do they meet in each other's houses, because you know, after all the house is not really theirs, and we have to put up with all the formalities of being courteous and polite to their parents.

To have our own place, means we really and truly can have uninhibited fellowship, and is definitely a plus if we plan to do youth work in future.

Still, one must not always look to the future and cease living in the present. I tend to do that often. Each season of life has its own joys, and I must be careful not to miss them, because time waits for no one.

I suppose what we can do actively in the present to make that dream come true is to build up our support network with the friends among us. Church people like James, Nick Audrey, Phoebe, Amanda, Xiaowen, Yanru, Youjun, Wei Wei, the elijahs, abia, dot, fish, suatyria, dominic, maggie, sharon, anthony, jason.. basically all our youths. grace buy, eugene etc. Not forgetting school people, perhaps even my old time friends and buddies,michelle, Zhonyun, Rebekah and Gabriel, Erica, Daphne, ruth, etc. I desire very much to keep in contact with these wonderful people and hope that they will not just be my friends, but our friends. Who knows when we might need them in times of trials, or they us?

God help us to make and keep good friends in life, they are a gift from Him.

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