Monday, July 23, 2007

Owl Post and other musings

There is something very dramatic about millions of books travelling to the world at the same time, arriving at people's doorsteps. This bomba-lastic (this funny, non-existent word came to mind) phenomenon seems to be something that just might happen in the world of Harry Potter itself, thus fanning the magic and excitement. Granted that if it were their world, we could possibly suffer from an attack of owl droppings. Yet, behind these astronomical figures, every book that arrives at a home seeks to consort a private audience with its reader, making this Harry Potter event not just phenomenal but also very personal. It is clear that we all seek an alternate reality from time to time, and the more vivid this other world is, the more willing we are to escape into its realms. I shall be quite reluctant to leave the world of Harry Potter, and would be sure to bequeath this wonderful legacy to my future children.

The magical world aside, I came across a most pointed and poignant column in Life! today, by Teo Cheng Wee. His bolded summary of the column read,

"I've always been dismissive of the relationship between my youngest brother and his girlfriend. But at their wedding recently, it dawned on me that what they have is what I've always dreamt of having."

Apparently, this young couple tied the knot two weeks ago, on 070707, after 10 years of courtship. In this column, the writer recounts how his immediate family members had disapproved of the courtship because "they were all of 16 years when they got together." And the couple had to suffer a whole decade of doubts and disbeliefs that they will ever last. The cloud only lifted after they had announced that they would be registering their marriage, it was then that "the ice started thawing.. you [they] see each other as family rather than enemy, attitudes and behaviours change and the bonds start re-forming." The writer guiltily admits, "Before that, I had never imagined them as mature adults ready to commit a lifetime to each other." And we wonder what they had been doing for the past 10 years.

As to why this particular article resonates with me, my dear friends and family, should be very clear. I was, all of 16 when I got together with the boy (he was 18). I remembered rather vividly the disapproval from my parents, and certain adults in church because we were far too young. I am now hurtling, in 5 months, towards my 21st birthday, with the boy by my side, squabbling away like a pair of eccentric magpies. And I wonder, how peoples attitude would change 180 degrees in another 3 to 4 years, when that time comes. I am bemused, because people never seem to really recognized a couple until they are officially married.

Till then, we shall work on being "ready to commit a lifetime to each other", or, haven't you already known?

And now, Book 7 beckons...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Pride and Prejudice

I have had a most uneventful day at home. Sleeping the afternoon away, and busying myself in finding things to do, and rather uncharacteristic of me. I have, however, discovered the joys of Pride and Prejudice after having watched the 2005 film version of the book, and finally understood how it can be such a much-loved classic.

Sunday, July 8, 2007


Is there anyone out there not keen on their PGP room?

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Xiaoni, the boy and me

I wanted to upload a photograph and xiaoni, the boy and me taken during the boy's POP in 2004. But I couldn't find it. I will when I do.

Xiaoni, the boy and me is a funny trio. "the Ni" , or "xiaoni" 's real statutory name is Anthony, he is the boy's (vincent's) smallest brother, who follows us around whenever he can, since he was very young. For this reason, we often spend time together, playing cards in the hostel room last year, watch movie, eat.

Xiaoni, the one who bites from my subway sandwich while I am not paying attention, who calls me "AH GOON" just like the boy does, who hears my worries and laugh at them, who calls me 'gila'. Who, when the boy doesn't want to bring him around, says " i follow ah goon" and comes along anyway.

He, whom I treat as my own brother.

I wonder how our dynamics will change as we grow up. I hope nothing will change.

We've decided, he shall be called "Uncle Ni." although to us, he will always be "Xiaoni", no matter how old he grows.

Monday, July 2, 2007

To skim the heart's surface

I admit, I am wary.

The miroris event has taken a toll on us, that much is true. The events of the past few days have made me somewhat tired, and weary. I feel like I'm just waiting for this performance to pass. Waiting for next week to be over, after Campus Crusade freshman orientation camp, then I can finally have my own time and freedom again.

This blog may seem to depict a rather discontented life. But I would have the readers know that this view of my life is one-sided, because I usually cannot find the motivation to write here when I am happy or contented. My darker moments are usually also my more pensive moments.

I can understand why some famous writers and poets live tumultous lives. Perhaps, for them, such anguish is mettle for art, and sorrow the writer's opium.

What does it mean to guard one's heart? I cannot afford to ride an emotional roller-coaster, especially when the plunge downwards comes unforseen in the dark. So how can I smooth the peaks and the troughs?

We are created to be independent, and dependent at the same time. This balance is never easy to strike, especially when we put our trust in fallible human beings, knowing that we too, may fail them.

I need to rest.