Monday, July 2, 2007

To skim the heart's surface

I admit, I am wary.

The miroris event has taken a toll on us, that much is true. The events of the past few days have made me somewhat tired, and weary. I feel like I'm just waiting for this performance to pass. Waiting for next week to be over, after Campus Crusade freshman orientation camp, then I can finally have my own time and freedom again.

This blog may seem to depict a rather discontented life. But I would have the readers know that this view of my life is one-sided, because I usually cannot find the motivation to write here when I am happy or contented. My darker moments are usually also my more pensive moments.

I can understand why some famous writers and poets live tumultous lives. Perhaps, for them, such anguish is mettle for art, and sorrow the writer's opium.

What does it mean to guard one's heart? I cannot afford to ride an emotional roller-coaster, especially when the plunge downwards comes unforseen in the dark. So how can I smooth the peaks and the troughs?

We are created to be independent, and dependent at the same time. This balance is never easy to strike, especially when we put our trust in fallible human beings, knowing that we too, may fail them.

I need to rest.


harpist said...

I'm like you, nowadays at least, i don't write much until i have this surge of emotions, often negative ones, and even at that i don't post them here. I have a whole file of scribbled thoughts stashed away in MS word docs, and then in happier moments i read them and laugh at myself.

And i like what you said about being independent yet dependent, its so very true because even as you are independent you often depend on something, some situation, to make you independent, ok i think i'm not making sense.

I hope you are well, and that you'll enjoy the days as they pass, even as the musical draws near. I wish i could see it, and i hope you all have a blessed time (:

HungryGoon said...


Thank you for your encouraging words.
Refreshing indeed. I enjoy this type of discourse.