Monday, May 28, 2007

To eat or not to eat, that is the question

My appetite for food has burnt holes in my pocket beyond any repair. I have plans to channel or change this craving for food, to fashion, (just like any girl my age), books, you name it. But I can't help having a higher marginal rate of substitution for food over anything else, although it might not be a good thing.

For one, the food I crave for are not really very healthy, I may literally "eat myself to death".

They are, most of the time, not cheap, and disappear quickly. There is nothing to take home.

I must find other joys in life that can distract me from this rather annoying habit, I feel like I live to eat.

Irrational worries, or are they?

I worry every day about that strange woman's appearance into my life.

God help me.

People would find this worry peculiar if I told them what it really was.

But its real to me, an imminent threat.

Please, disappear, strange woman. Don't come into my life.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

a brush with the past

Went for Jason's choir concert, and keenly felt the sense of nostalgia. Saw many familiar faces, and greeted many old friends and juniors. It was like meeting up with my past.

Walking hand in hand with Ah boy in esplanade made me really thankful for having him with me. But save all the mushy stuff, and let's get to the point (obscure as it may be):

In acquiring so much, I stand to lose everything.

What a pessimist I am!

Audrey Ho, teach me to be optimistic like you are.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Good Fellowship in homes

The past 2 days were spent with churchmates and were filled with much camaraderie. It was fun, spending the night at xueying's hse. Ah boy and wei wei shared room with james, while I with xueying. I got to glimpse into their family life, and their parents were very hospitable. I love to observe the lifestyles and families of others, and you get to learn alot, just by visiting their homes.

The concept of home, is a very comforting idea. Everywhere you look there are pictures of day-to-day life. Laundry basket, cupboards full of bed sheets, stoves, shampoos, washing machine you name it. And the activities that go on inside the home, simple, mundane perhaps but comforting. Mothers cooking in the home, simple dishes for sustenance and health, which is what we really need isn't it?

We tend to overlook the effort that goes into just preparing a simple meal for the family. From the purchase of ingredients, to preparing them, chopping, to cooking, to serving, then finally cleaning up, washing the dishes. All for a meal that last 15- 20 minutes, that disappears into our stomachs, but sustains us and gives us energy.

I must kick the habit of eating supper. It is extremely unhealthy. Really I must. I have been eating supper for the past few days, and its taking a toll on my pocket.

These days I have been talking to Ah Boy about property. Hmm but a more elaborate discussion on that later perhaps.

On a brighter note, its parents day tomorrow. And Ah Boy and I are worship leading. God help us. =)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Seeing the world on hot wheels

Dear friends,

I have been away for awhile, busying myself with certain tasks. For one, I've began working, pouring ice water, clearing plates, setting tables, seeing the world in a restaurant. I wanted to 'see the other side of dining', and hope i would one day be able to set up my own restaurant. I don't know, however, how long I will last there, because I am already feeling restless, wanting to move on to new things. But it really is interesting, the different types of people that I've observed. There are rich expats, (presumably) who order a piece of tiramisu for 7.90, take a bite, ask for the bill and leave, leaving us dumbfounded as we clear their table, and relegate their tiramisu to the garbage bin.

There are those who say 'thank you, darling' and smile at you as you top up their ice water.

There are those who nod and avoid eye contact.

Some pretend you don't exist, and presume the water will just keep topping itself.

Funnily enough, some hover or grab their glasses protectively as you approach them with a jug of ice water, and you have no choice but to pass them by.

The other project I've been working on, is to get my Class 3 driving licence. Driving, for the time being, is as exciting as learning how to walk for the first time. Its therapeutic, and every lesson is something to look forward to.

Come back my friends, I promise to update more as blogger has become more user-friendly once again.

Friday, May 11, 2007


I am eager to fly, but am held back by conventions of society, family ties, money or lack thereof, and perhaps my own impatience and immaturity, ironic as that may seem.

How to guarantee a return on an investment? There is always risk, and I have a love-hate relationship with risk.

Time eludes us, but at the same time, it binds us, or paralyse us from going where (or when?) we want to go. We could transport outselves thru space, but not through time. Sometimes, it is ephemeral, sometimes, its inexorable permanence is excruciating, especially if it stands between now and an anticipated event.

But, they say everything has a season, for every season there is a purpose. I can't pin my purpose down, perhaps it would only be revealed in time.

I am 20 years old, or 20 years young. would the next 20 years before i reach 40 be faster or slower than its precedent?

Why, does the opening of the train door at my designated stop always seem like an eternity, while the journey to that destination was so swift?

It's a strange thing. A decade can be gone in a moment, but a moment can stretch to eternity.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Weird layout

Can someone tell me how come this page where I'm suppose to post my entries has a funny layout? Are all bloggers from blogspot experiencing this too?

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Harmony and Disharmony

Everyone has these moments. Of harmony and disharmony, with the people close to them, including oneself. Movies often end on notes of harmony, a 'happy ending' but really it doesn't just stop there. It's like a business cycle. They chose to end on a high, but you know somewhere down the line, there will be another trough, and you know it will pick itself up from there again.

So, everyone has their ' i love you' and 'i don't love you' moments. But its the choice to believe in the 'i love you' moments that gets them through their next 'i don't love you' moments.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Have you ever seen such a comical sight? Our dear church friend Zihao has gone and got himself a very unique lorry. He painted over "TO" and "TA" in "TOYOTA" just so he can have a "YO" at the butt of his lorry greeting the world. If you do see this lorry on the road, chances are, its him. He who steers the lorry with one hand.

Imagine. 2 lorries pulled up beside each other at the traffic light. One has TOYOTA behind, the other one is just YO.

Well, we helped nicholas' mother move house today, and he treated us to a very nice lunch at Hooked on Heads. We had curry fish head, sambal stingray, black pepper beef, prawn paste chicken, mapo tofu, kangkong. I wanted to take pictures but GUESS WHAT?

Yup you guessed it, forgot to do it once the food arrived. But it was appetizing I assure you.