Friday, May 11, 2007


I am eager to fly, but am held back by conventions of society, family ties, money or lack thereof, and perhaps my own impatience and immaturity, ironic as that may seem.

How to guarantee a return on an investment? There is always risk, and I have a love-hate relationship with risk.

Time eludes us, but at the same time, it binds us, or paralyse us from going where (or when?) we want to go. We could transport outselves thru space, but not through time. Sometimes, it is ephemeral, sometimes, its inexorable permanence is excruciating, especially if it stands between now and an anticipated event.

But, they say everything has a season, for every season there is a purpose. I can't pin my purpose down, perhaps it would only be revealed in time.

I am 20 years old, or 20 years young. would the next 20 years before i reach 40 be faster or slower than its precedent?

Why, does the opening of the train door at my designated stop always seem like an eternity, while the journey to that destination was so swift?

It's a strange thing. A decade can be gone in a moment, but a moment can stretch to eternity.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

hello jiehui!!!

you blogstalker....i shall stalk you on behalf of crystal! haha!

PERSPECTIVE is rather tricky, hey? let's hope the next 20 years of our lives are half as fulfilling as these 20 years have been.

dawn tan YINGHUI.