Thursday, May 24, 2007

Seeing the world on hot wheels

Dear friends,

I have been away for awhile, busying myself with certain tasks. For one, I've began working, pouring ice water, clearing plates, setting tables, seeing the world in a restaurant. I wanted to 'see the other side of dining', and hope i would one day be able to set up my own restaurant. I don't know, however, how long I will last there, because I am already feeling restless, wanting to move on to new things. But it really is interesting, the different types of people that I've observed. There are rich expats, (presumably) who order a piece of tiramisu for 7.90, take a bite, ask for the bill and leave, leaving us dumbfounded as we clear their table, and relegate their tiramisu to the garbage bin.

There are those who say 'thank you, darling' and smile at you as you top up their ice water.

There are those who nod and avoid eye contact.

Some pretend you don't exist, and presume the water will just keep topping itself.

Funnily enough, some hover or grab their glasses protectively as you approach them with a jug of ice water, and you have no choice but to pass them by.

The other project I've been working on, is to get my Class 3 driving licence. Driving, for the time being, is as exciting as learning how to walk for the first time. Its therapeutic, and every lesson is something to look forward to.

Come back my friends, I promise to update more as blogger has become more user-friendly once again.

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