Thursday, April 19, 2007

Exams prep and a surprise meeting

Dear friends,

Exam preparations are rather gruelling. It never pays to work at the last minute, but, as human nature would have it, I have not changed my undesirable habits.

It was pleasant having a chance meeting with Amanda this afternoon at the subway in school. I love spontaneity, well, at times, makes life exciting. But I prefer spontaneity that leads to a good outcome, not one that would result in an unfavourable circumstance, but don't we all?

By this time next week, my exams would have ended, and so Year ONE would have flew passed. Then there's 3 months of idleness, well not really. There's still church retreat and mission trip to look forward to.

Now, its back to psychology and economics, somehow, i'm more thrilled by the latter, contrary to popular opinion.

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